Easy & new approach to effective medicines
The health of an individual is the most important aspect of life. Good health depends on the surroundings and the environment. When we fall sick, we used to take grandma’s home remedial homely medicines. But as time passed on, we started consulting the doctor and go for medicines. And now, in this pandemic, the new approach to over-the-drug or medicines has rushed in. Both RX (prescription drug) and over-the-counter(otc) medicines have their significance in the wellness of individuals.
Prescription medicines or drugs (Rx) are well known to us. We visit the doctor, and the doctor prescribes medicines as per his diagnostics and our health conditions. But over-the-counter (OTC) medications are those that can be taken directly from a pharmacist without a prescription from a doctor or physician. In many countries, there are a large number of over-the-counter medications on the market. Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications are also known as nonprescription drugs, and they must meet specific regulatory requirements.
Rx-to-otc change over
Rx-to-OTC switches or changes are a way for the pharmaceutical business to extend marketing exclusivity, protecting the originator company from generic competition erosion. From a wellness or health perspective, the process of switching over or transferring from prescription medicine (FDA approved) to nonprescription over-the-counter (otc) eminence is called an rx-to-otc switch. It enables consumers to obtain safe and effective drugs conveniently and cost-efficiently without requiring a healthcare provider’s involvement.
OTC medicines are drugs that don’t include in prescription-only drugs and are therefore called non-prescription drugs. Switching from prescription to over-the-counter products is not well-documented or regulated in India. Rx-to-otc switch is now used globally.
Reason for rx-to-otc switch
As per customer:
- OTCs are much less expensive than prescription medications. There is frequently a significant financial benefit to the consumer.
- Less time-consuming.
- No need to visit the doctor.
- Less loss of work time.
- Consumers are becoming more sophisticated and self-reliant, with a growing interest in and understanding acceptable self-medication.
- Adult or elderly categories prefer this for their regular minor problems like Arthritis, insomnia, muscle aches and pains, headaches, and colds. So it is escalating more.
As per manufacturer:
- Increased sales rate.
- Increased non-prescription drug sales have been shown to boost business revenue and profitability.
- Older prescription pharmaceuticals are losing their out-and-out protection; at least some of the revenue lost can be regained by freeing over-the-counter copies of the drugs through life-cycle product management.
The Rx to OTC switch is one of the most cost-effective strategies to provide patients with cost-effective first-line medicines for various diseases, particularly for those without insurance. It can also ensure prompt access to medicines, at least as the first line of protection, for those who have insurance but do not have time to go to the doctor.